
What is the nature of CADA's advocacy work?

Canadian Artisan Dairy Alliance was formed to give Canadian consumer who want legal access to raw milk and milk products, a collective voice. Through educating law makers and other stakeholders we are working to have our laws updated so safe, legal raw milk is available in Canada. The laws are complicated, inconsistent and designed to not only prevent food borne illness, but also to prevent raw milk farmers from competing with supply managed quota holding dairy farmers and milk processors (i.e. the commercial dairy industry). 

Many in the dairy industry and public health, who are invested in the maintenance of the status quo, oppose legalization. The Canadian dairy industry has actively worked to prevent our access to safe, legal raw milk. The Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) lobbied to get the 1991 federal ban in place and the Provincial Milk Marketing Boards (in Ontario this is the Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO)) have been fighting legalization through their significant influence over politicians and academics, and used their money to oppose farmers who have tried to change the law through the legal system. (In 2021 the DFC and DFO intervened in charter challenge that failed: Ontario Affleck et a vs. AG of Ontario . A good summary of all that happened before this, and other attempts to change the law can be found on this site: (  

Our message to commercial dairy farmers and public health officials is that legalizing raw milk can help them achieve their goals as well.  For the dairy farmers there is a growing untapped market of consumers who are looking for raw dairy but are unable to connect with local farms that are willing to sell milk to them in the existing underground market. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of how important natural, unprocessed food is to their health and dairy is one of natures 'most perfect foods', designed to feed new born mammals who have not yet developed fully formed digestive system.  Processing (heating and homogenization) changes this perfect food so it is less digestible by everyone and fully undigestible by more and more Canadians. The dairy market can be expanded with this new highly demanded product.

For public health professionals, legalization with appropriate regulation, allows them to educate both consumers and producers about the associated risks and steps that can be taken to minimize the risk. Banning raw milk has only driven consumers and producers underground and made raw dairy riskier than it would otherwise be.  US research shows that increased legalization, plus voluntary and regulated safety standards, has driven down food borne illness even while consumption has gone up. 

Because institutional bias is hard to change, our best chance of getting our laws changed is through the support of elected politicians. We know of several provincial and federal elected officials who themselves consume raw milk. Others will agree that the people they represent should be free to decide for themselves whether the risk is worth the benefits, to them. We are, after all, free to consume nicotine, alcohol, and ultra processed foods which we know cause significant harms to our health, and society as a whole, but have no or negligible offsetting benefits.  If public health is so concerned about consumers making poor health choices, why are these products not banned? 

Advocacy must take place at the Federal level and in each province. Our organization is working towards connecting with federal MPs, provincial MLAs/MPPs and Ministers in both levels of government, to make our case for legalization with appropriate safety regulation. You can help, by sending an email to your provincial and federal member of parliament or legislature as well as the Ministers responsible for raw milk laws that apply to you. You can use this model email wording as a starting point but if you are hoping for a response, make it personal. Tell the elected official why raw milk is important to you, and why you want it legalized. 

Below is some background and the status of current advocacy work, where we have it available. Included are the names and email addresses of the Ministers and how you can find your federal MP and provincial MLA/MPP.   


Since 1991, the federal Food and Drug Regulation under the Food and Drugs Act has prohibited the sale and distribution of raw milk in Canada. For many years, Canadians have asked Health Canada to reconsider this ban on unprocessed dairy. Letters from individual citizens, a 2016 federal petition read in Parliament, and inquiries by elected officials have all met with the same answer: Raw milk is too dangerous. 

In 2020, in response to a verbal inquiry from an MP on behalf of a constituent, a Health Canada official stated that no province had ever requested a change to the raw milk ban. Therefore, as part of our provincial lobbying efforts, CADA is asking provincial officials to tell Health Canada that the federal ban should be lifted so provinces may regulate raw milk production and distribution themselves. In the USA, access to raw milk is legislated at the state level and although the USA Federal Food and Drug Administration is strongly against raw dairy, individuals states are increasingly legalizing access for their citizens. This is because they look at this issue much more holistically that public health officials, and are accountable to their electorate. In addition to potential health risks, the consider other important factors such as:  does the health risk justifies impinging on individual freedom; does legalization help farmers; and, does supporting local farmers improve food security in an environment where dairy farms are disappearing in some states all together as massive factory farms take over the USA dairy industry.

In July 2023, with the help of two Toronto-based federal MPs (Nathaniel Erskine-Smith and Julie Dabrusin), CADA provided a package of information about the health benefits and safe production methods of raw dairy to the offices of newly appointed Minister Holland (Health). On December 8, 2023, CADA representatives met with a food safety policy advisor in the Minister's office. They were interested in the information we shared and said they would help facilitate a meeting with the appropriate food safety advisor within Health Canada. As of September, 2024, we are waiting to hear when this meeting will take place.  We suspect that this is because they do not want to address this issue and are pressured to keep the status quo by the dairy industry and politicians who depend on the industry's support to get elected.

If you are a constituent in the ridings of Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister MacAulay (Cardigan, Prince Edward Island) or Health Minister Holland (Ajax, Ontario), we need your help! Please volunteer to help us get the attention of these Ministers. Become a volunteer!


In Alberta, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation is responsible for regulating and enforcing milk laws. The most recent enforcement action that we are aware of occurred in 2018 and resulted in a legal case that was subsequently dropped by the government without going to trial. Details of this case can be found here: We are not aware of any more recent enforcement actions in Alberta.

On March 7, 2023, we met with the then Alberta Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, Nate Horner, and presented current information about the health benefits and safe production methods of raw milk in support of our request for its legalization. Minister Horner directed the Food Services Branch to review research and legislation regarding the safe distribution of raw milk and its products. The new Minister, RJ Sigurdson, confirmed on August 14, 2023 that the Food Services Branch review is ongoing and that he would be happy to meet with CADA once it is completed. On April 3, 2024 we were advised by Minister Sigurdson that:  "Review and analysis of the information found that the potential health risks of consuming raw milk outweigh the potential benefits. As such, the Government of Alberta does not support the sale of raw milk." We know that a new acting head of the Food Safety Branch provided this response when they took over this role and reached this conclusion without a proper assessment of the sience and instead based on direction from Health Canada officials. Had a true review of the science been done, they would have had to reach a different conclusion.  

Express your disappointment with Alberta's position by contacting Minister Sigurdson at  Tell him why you want raw milk. Also, tell him that Alberta consumers can buy raw milk at the farm gate in Montana where small farmer are not even required to have a license and can buy it in Idaho in retail stores! We can bring it back to Canada legally. Yet, our own farmers are shut out of providing this local, artisanal food. This makes no sense.  Please copy us ( and your MLA on your email. You can find your MLA by postal code here:

British Columbia

Consumers in BC have been lobbying for legalization for over 20 years.  The BC Herdshare Association (BCHA) incorporated in 2014 to carry on this advocacy work and met with representatives of the BC government.  BCHA sent letters in February 2023 to request meetings with the Minister of Health, Adrian Dix, and the new Minister of Agriculture, Pam Alexis.  Neither responded.  

On February 23, 2024, CADA sent an email to both Ministers to share current information about raw milk safety, health benefits and laws in other jurisdictions. Both Ministers responded that they did not have time to meet with us; however, two representatives of the Food Safety team of the Ministry of Health met with us on July 8, 2024, to learn more about recent research from the USA showing that the risk of raw milk is significantly lower than Canadian public health officials appear to believe, especially when it is legalized and regulated.  Our supporter and advisor, Peg Coleman (also co-author of the research) joined the meeting to present her findings. The officials seemed genuinely interested to learn this new information and asked to share it with their colleagues. 

Express your support for the legalization of safe raw milk in British Columbia by contacting Minister Dix at and Minister Alexis at .

Tell them why you want raw milk and that you would like them eliminate the legislation stating raw milk is a "Health Hazard", when clearly research shows this is not true. With proper production processes, it is as safe as any other food. Also, point out that penalties in B.C. for selling raw milk of up to $3 million or 3 years in jail makes no sense, when you can buy raw milk at the grocery store in Washington State.  Please copy us ( and your MLA on your email. You can find your MLA by postal code here: Find my MLA (


Express your support for the legalization of safe raw milk in Manitoba by contacting your Minister of Health and Minister of Agriculture. You can find their names at Cabinet Ministers (

Tell them why you want raw milk and that you would like them to update laws to reflect current information regarding raw milk health benefits and safety.  Point out that not only do current laws hurt consumers, they also hurt farmers, except those protected by supply management. Currently consumers from Manitoba can buy raw milk at the farm gate in Minnesota where farmers are not even required to have a license, and bring it back legally. They can also become a member of a herdshare in North Dakota to access raw milk from their share of a dairy herd. Our own farmers are shut out of providing this local, artisanal food. This makes no sense.  Please copy us ( and your MLA on your email. You can find your MLA here: MLA Constituency Listing (

CADA is looking for a volunteers from Manitoba that would like to lobbying the provincial ministers. Want to help? Become a volunteer!

New Brunswick

In September 2023, we submitted a package of information on the health and safety of raw milk to the Honourable Margaret Johnson,  Minister of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries. Minister Johnson advised that regulations regarding pasteurization fall under the Minister of Health. On October 23rd, local advocates met with Minister Johnson who agreed to arrange a meeting with the NB Minister of Health, Bruce Fitch, to discuss raw milk health and safety. We are waiting for news of when this meeting will take place. 

Express your support for the legalization of safe raw milk in New Brunswick by contacting Minister Johnson at  and Minister Fitch at

Tell them why you want raw milk and that you would like them to consider the information regarding raw milk health benefits and safety that has become available in the last decade. Point out that not only do these laws hurt consumers, they also hurt farmers. Currently consumers from New Brunswick can buy raw milk at the grocery store in Maine and bring it back legally. Our own farmers are shut out of this artisanal food market. This makes no sense.  Please copy us ( and your MLA on your email. You can find your MLA here: Members of - Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick ( .

Newfoundland & Labrador

Express your support for the legalization of safe raw milk in the Newfoundland & Labrador by contacting your Minister of Health and Minister of Agriculture. You can find their name at Cabinet - Government of Newfoundland and Labrador 

Tell them why you want raw milk and that you would like them to update laws to make legal raw milk available in your province.  Point out that not only do current laws hurt consumers who want to access this food but also hurt local farmers and homesteaders who would like to provide this food to their community. All provinces bordering the US can access legal, safe raw milk in neighbouring states and bring it back to Canada legally.  In Main and New Hampshire it is sold in retail stores. Our own farmers are shut out of providing this local, artisanal food. This makes no sense.  Please copy us ( and your MLA on your email. You can find your MLA here: House of Assembly - NL - Members

CADA is looking for a volunteers from Newfoundland & Labrador that would like to lobbying the provincial ministers. Want to help? Become a volunteer!

Nova Scotia

Express your support for the legalization of safe raw milk in the Nova Scotia by contacting your Minister of Health and Minister of Agriculture. You can find their name at Nova Scotia Legislature - Cabinet (

Tell them why you want raw milk and that you would like them to update laws to make legal raw milk available in your province.  Point out that not only do current laws hurt consumers who want to access this food but also hurt local farmers and homesteaders who would like to provide this food to their community. All provinces bordering the US can access legal, safe raw milk in neighbouring states and bring it back to Canada legally.  In Main and New Hampshire it is sold in retail stores, yet our own farmers are shut out of providing this local, artisanal food. This makes no sense.  Please copy us ( and your MLA on your email. You can find your MLA here:  

Nova Scotia Legislature - Contact an MLA (

CADA is looking for a volunteers from Nova Scotia that would like to lobbying the provincial ministers. Want to help? Become a volunteer!


Ontario raw milk farmers and consumers have been fighting the ban on raw milk in the Ontario court system for many years. Several farmers have been charged, convicted or just settled under the offense of 'operating and illegal milk processing plant'. No charges have been brought based on food safety concerns. A good summary of all the attempts to change the law by Ontrio activists, up to 2021 can be found on this site: (

Do you know an MPP who can help us get a meeting with the Minister or Health or the Minister of Agriculture?  Become a volunteer!

Price Edward Island

Express your support for the legalization of safe raw milk in the P.E.I. by contacting your Minister of Health and Minister of Agriculture. You can find their name at Meet the Cabinet | Government of Prince Edward Island.

Tell them why you want raw milk and that you would like them to update laws to make legal raw milk available in P.E.I.  Point out that not only do current laws hurt consumers who want to access this food but also hurt local farmers and homesteaders who would like to provide this food to their community. All provinces bordering the US can access legal, safe raw milk in neighbouring states and bring it back to Canada legally.  In Main and New Hampshire it is sold in retail stores. Our own farmers are shut out of providing this local, artisanal food. This makes no sense.  Please copy us ( and your MLA on your email. You can find your MLA here: Meet the Cabinet | Government of Prince Edward Island.

Also, the federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister, Hon. Lawrence MacAulay (Cardigan, Prince Edward Island) is from your province. We would like to meet with him.

Can you help at the federal or provincial level? Become a volunteer!


Quebec is the only province that has legal access to raw soft (aged less than 60 days) cheese, in defiance of the federal Food & Drug Regulation prohibiting it. Legalizing raw milk in Quebec is overdue.  Express your support for the legalization of safe raw milk in Quebec by contacting your Minister of Health and Minister of Agriculture. You can find their names at Members of Cabinet | Gouvernement du Québec ( .

Tell them why you want raw milk and that you would like them to update Quebec laws to reflect current information regarding raw milk health benefits and safety.  Point out that not only do current laws hurt consumers, they also hurt farmers, except those protected by supply management. Currently consumers from Quebec can buy raw milk at the farm gate in New York and Vermont and in retail stores in New Hampshire and Maine. They can bring it back to Canada legally, yet our own farmers are shut out of providing this local, artisanal food. This makes no sense.  Please copy us ( and your MLA on your email. You can find your MLA here: Members - National Assembly of Québec ( .

CADA is looking for a volunteers from Quebec that would like to lobbying the provincial ministers. Want to help? Become a volunteer!

Vous souhaitez soutenir cet effort? Devenez bénévole!

Northwest Territories

Express your support for the legalization of safe raw milk in the North West Territories by contacting your Minister of Health. You can find their name at  Follow along with Cabinet | Government of Northwest Territories.

Tell them why you want raw milk and that you would like them to update laws to make legal raw milk available in the Territories.  Point out that not only do current laws hurt consumers who want to access this food but also hurt local farmers and homesteaders who would like to provide this food to their community. All provinces bordering the US can access legal, safe raw milk in neighbouring states and bring it back to Canada legally. Our own farmers are shut out of providing this local, artisanal food. This makes no sense.  Please copy us ( and your MLA on your email. You can find your MLA here: Members | Legislative Assembly of The Northwest Territories (

CADA is looking for a volunteers from the N.W.T. that would like to lobbying the provincial ministers. Want to help? Become a volunteer!


Express your support for the legalization of safe raw milk in the Nunavut by contacting your Minister of Health. You can find their name at Cabinet | Government of Nunavut .

Tell them why you want raw milk and that you would like them to update laws to make legal raw milk available in the Nunavut.  Point out that not only do current laws hurt consumers who want to access this food but also hurt local farmers and homesteaders who would like to provide this food to their community. All provinces bordering the US can access legal, safe raw milk in neighbouring states and bring it back to Canada legally. Our own farmers are shut out of providing this local, artisanal food. This makes no sense.  Please copy us ( and your MLA on your email. You can find your MLA here: Members of the Legislative Assembly | Nunavut Legislative Assembly .

CADA is looking for a volunteers from the Nunavut that would like to lobbying the provincial ministers. Want to help? Become a volunteer!


Express your support for the legalization of safe raw milk in the Yukon by contacting your Minister of Health. You can find their name at Meet the Premier's team | Government of Yukon.

Tell them why you want raw milk and that you would like them to update laws to make legal raw milk available in the Yukon.  Point out that not only do current laws hurt consumers who want to access this food but also hurt local farmers and homesteaders who would like to provide this food to their community. All provinces bordering the US can access legal, safe raw milk in neighbouring states and bring it back to Canada legally. Our own farmers are shut out of providing this local, artisanal food. This makes no sense.  Please copy us ( and your MLA on your email. You can find your MLA here: Members of the Legislative Assembly | Yukon Legislative Assembly (

CADA is looking for a volunteers from the Yukon that would like to lobbying the provincial ministers. Want to help? Become a volunteer!


Express your support for the legalization of safe raw milk in Saskatchewan by contacting your Minister of Health and Minister of Agriculture. You can find their names at Cabinet | Saskatchewan Cabinet, Ministries, Agencies and Other Governments | Government of Saskatchewan.

Tell them why you want raw milk and that you would like them to update laws to make legal raw milk available in the province.  Point out that not only do current laws hurt consumers, they also hurt farmers, except those protected by supply management. Currently consumers from Saskatchewan can buy raw milk at the farm gate in Montana where farmers are not even required to have a license, and bring it back legally. They can also become a member of a herdshare in North Dakota to access raw milk from their share of a dairy herd. Our own farmers are shut out of providing this local, artisanal food. This makes no sense.  Please copy us ( and your MLA on your email. You can find your MLA here: MLAs (

CADA is looking for a volunteers from Manitoba that would like to lobbying the provincial ministers. Want to help? Become a volunteer!